Saturday, July 23, 2011

Photos from "The Scribe"

Canada Day fireworks July 1, 2011

Tree framed by entrance to my building
Cool car Edmonton, AB Oliver district

Cool car

Freedom the cat

Sunrise over downtown Edmonton, AB

Old building near Smoky Lake, AB

Double rainbow over downtown Edmonton, AB July 21, 2011

Metal wheel from old farm implement

Street light through branches

Ukrainian Greek Orthodox church, Smoky Lake, AB
I'm encouraged to post some photos I took recently. Three have been published in our daily paper on-line--a gorgeous double rainbow that appeared over the downtown area on Thursday evening, the sunrise over downtown Edmonton, and the church. The photo of the church was also published in the Religion section of the print edition of the Edmonton Journal last Saturday. These were all taken with a Nikon Coolpix L11 "point and shoot" little camera.


  1. Two readers have attempted to post comments and informed me they got an error message. Sorry. I think Blogger is trying to correct the problem. Please continue to read.

  2. Let's see if I can comment.

    These pictures are fantastic =). I definitely love the double rainbow, but my favorite is the Cross/Church. Love it.

  3. Dean, thanks, the Cross/Church was published in the print edition of one of our daily newspapers this Saturday. Religious section. Unfortunately it was in black and white, but still a couple of people saw it and commented favorably to me. They included some history of the church and how my friends and I were in the area, how it was taken and so on. I'm chuffed, thanks again.
